Gliese 581g: Wie die Erde und doch ganz anders


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Möchte diese Thema noch mal nach vorne bringen weil ich auf ein Paper vom 20.07.2012 gestoßen bin :

GJ 581 update: Additional evidence for a Super-Earth in the habitable

...We developed our own four-planet all-circular models
(both with and without dynamical interactions) that closely
mirror the four-planet all-circular non-interacting model of
F11. Contrary to F11’s conclusions, we find that the full
240-point HARPS data set, when properly modeled with
self-consistent stable orbits, by and of itself actually offers
confirmative support for a fifth periodic signal in this system
near 32–33 days, and is consistent with the possibility
of having been detected as GJ 581g at its 36-day yearly alias
period by V10. The residuals periodograms both of our interacting
and non-interacting fits and of the F11 four-planet
circular fit reveal distinct peaks near 32 days and 190 days.
Both of these residuals peaks are largely simultaneously accounted
for by adding a fifth planet at 32.1 days to the system.
Under the assumption, now strongly supported by two
Bayesian studies, that the first four planets are in circular
or nearly circular orbits, this 32-day residuals signal has an
empirically-determined Monte Carlo false alarm probability
of 3.7% and a Baluev-style FAP upper limit of 4%. It is
consistent with a fifth planet of minimum mass 2.2 M⊕ in
the system, orbiting at 0.13 AU, solidly in the star’s classical
liquid water habitable zone......


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Und gleichzeitig dies hier:

The impact of red noise in radial velocity planet searches: Only three planets orbiting GJ581?

Auszug Abstract: "Using this method we prove that: (i) planets b and c do exist in this system, since they can be independently detected in the HARPS and Keck data, and regardless of the assumed noise models; (ii) planet e can also be confirmed independently by the both datasets, although to reveal it in the Keck data it is mandatory to take the red noise into account; (iii) the recently announced putative planets f and g are likely just illusions of the red noise; (iv) the reality of the planet candidate GJ581 d is questionable"

(Hervorhebung von mir)