Diese Studie sagt, die Beobachtungen lassen sich auch erklären, wenn der Kuipergürtel rund 100 mal massereicher ist, als angenommen.
Klingt für mich nicht so plausibel.
Klingt für mich nicht so plausibel.
Hallo zusammen,
This shows diffusion from the inner fringe of the Oort cloud can populate the orbital parameter region of 2013 SY[sub]99[/sub].
It is worthwhile to consider if other 45 < q < 50 au extreme TNOs like 2010 GB[sub]174[/sub] and 2014 SR[sub]349[/sub] (Table 1) also show diffusive behaviour. Sheppard & Trujillo (2016) noted semi-major axis mobility for 2013 FT[sub]28[/sub]. Particles on orbits in the region showed diffusion in the simulations of Gallardo et al. (2012); they only sampled part of the phase space occupied by the presently known extreme TNOs. We numerically investigate the 4 Gyr orbital evolution of the other extreme TNOs in this q range (including those listed in Table 1) by generating 100 orbital clones of each object from the orbit-fit covariance matrix; we include only the effects of the Sun and the four giant planets in the simulation. Diffusive behaviour in semi-major axis comparable to that of 2013 SY[sub]99[/sub] is frequent among clones of these extreme TNOs, allowing them to evolve to a similar a; q range. An example, (474640) 2004 VN[sub]112[/sub], is shown in Fig. 4.
Sedna and 2012 VP[sub]113[/sub] are not formed by diffusion in the current dynamical environment, consistent with previous assessments (Brown et al. 2004; Gallardo et al. 2012; Jilkova et al. 2015). It is however plausible, for the orbit-fit uncertainty parameter space currently occupied by the orbits of other extreme TNOs, that they could be produced by the same inward diusion from the inner fringe of the Oort cloud that can populate 2013 SY[sub]99[/sub]'s parameter region.
The i and q evolution of the clones would sharply reduce the detectability of 2013 SY[sub]99[/sub], as the clones spend almost all their time at high inclinations and larger perihelia. Similar behaviour is seen by Shankman et al. (2017) for other extreme TNOs under the Batygin & Brown (2016) planet parameters. The removal from the detectable volume and high ejection fraction of 2013 SY99 clones thus requires an enormous population of cycling TNOs to permit the detection of
2013 SY[sub]99[/sub], potentially an M_earth or more.
Hallo zusammen,Mike Brown hat das Paper schon kommentiert: http://www.findplanetnine.com/2019/01/is-planet-nine-just-ring-of-icy-bodies.html?m=1
Da blendet er aber einiges aus, denn das OSSOS-Team hat schon mehrfach, u.a. auch im von mir o.g. Entdeckungspaper der 2013 SY[sub]99[/sub], Abschnitt 3.4, darauf hingewiesen, dass dieses Clustering auch die Folge eines Beobachtungsauswahleffekts sein könnte.We have just passed the three year anniversary of the publication from Konstantin and I on our proposal for the existence of Planet Nine. In those three years something remarkable happened: not a single alternative hypothesis was proposed to explain the observed alignment of the distant Kuiper belt objects that led to the hypothesis. Instead, most of the discussion has centered about the critical question of whether or not the alignment is really there or somehow an illusion
Sedna and 2012 VP[sub]113[/sub] are not formed by diffusion in the current dynamical environment, consistent with previous assessments (Brown et al. 2004; Gallardo et al. 2012; Jlkova et al. 2015). It is however plausible, for the orbit-fit uncertainty parameter space currently occupied by the orbits of other extreme TNOs, that they could be produced by the same inward diffusion from the inner fringe of the Oort cloud that can populate 2013 SY[sub]99[/sub]'s parameter region.
Da blendet er aber einiges aus
Hallo Bynaus,Lies den Artikel fertig...
Hallo Bynaus,
den von Mike Brown ? In dem äussert er sich über die "Ringthese" und was er davon hält; von den Argumenten des OSSOS-Teams kann ich indes kein Wort finden.
Freundliche Grüsse, Ralf
Dunkle Materie !!! Wie am Rand einer jeden Galaxie. Schmunzelnde Grüße.Da draußen ist Masse, aber wir wissen nicht wie sie verteilt ist.
Hallo TomTom,Dunkle Materie !!! Wie am Rand einer jeden Galaxie.
Grüße DipThe Planet Nine Hypothesis
Konstantin Batygin, Fred C. Adams, Michael E. Brown, Juliette C. Becker
... This newly outlined dynamical architecture of the distant solar system points to the existence of a new planet with mass of m9 ∼5−10 M⊕,
residing on a moderately inclined orbit (i9 ∼15−25° ) with semi-major axis a9 ∼400−800 AU and eccentricity between e9 ∼0.2−0.5 .
This paper reviews the observational motivation, dynamical constraints, and prospects for detection of this proposed object known as Planet Nine.
Hallo Herr Senf,auch weil seit 2016 14 ähnlich so weit entfernte Objekte entdeckt wurden
Hallo Ralf, >250 AE sind für mich nebenan von 400-500 AE Grüße Dipwas meinst Du mit "ähnlich so weit" ?
Hallo Ralf, >250 AE sind für mich nebenan von 400-500 AE Grüße Dip
? ja ? und ? Planet 9 soll jetzt "doppelt" so hell sein wie anfangs angenommen und damit in Reichweite für Subaru.... bei doppelter Entfernung 1/16 so hell...
Hallo Herr Senf,>250 AE sind für mich nebenan von 400-500 AE Grüße Dip