News: SETI


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April 1, 2005
We have released version 4.10 of the setiathome application for windows. This release contains a bug fix that should resolve around a third of the instances of graphics not displaying. Because all clients will be downloading the new application, data service will be slow for a while.

April 2, 2005
We have temporarily taken down 4.10 until we can understand why some people are reporting problems with the graphics even though graphics was working for them with 4.09. 4.10 should have only increased the number of people who were able to see the S@H graphics, not decrease.



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Routing Probleme

So wie es ausschaut trifft das blos auf User aus Frankreich,Holland und Belgien zu?

SETI@home: Routing Probleme halten an
19.04.2005 - Die seit dem Wochenden massiv aufgetretenen, möglicherweise schon länger vorhandenen Routing-Probleme halten an. Hauptsächlich aus Frankreich, aber auch aus anderen Teilen Europas ist der Verwaltungsserver (Scheduler) des SETI@home Projektes derzeit nur mit Tricks zu erreichen. Es handelte sich um ein Problem zwischen Cogent (Berkeleys Internet Service Provider) and OpenTransit (France Telcom). Das Projektteam unternimmt alles um eine Problemlösung herbeizuführen, hat aber keinen direkten Einfluß auf die Situation.

Eine mögliche Lösung scheint die Verwendung von speziellen Proxy Angaben zu sein. Diese werden ebenso wie die die Fehlerbeschreibung in einem Thread (engl.) im SETI@home Forum diskutiert:


Registriertes Mitglied
May 4, 2005
Our Cogent link came up around 01:30 UTC today. The data server is still clearing the backlog so things are slow.

May 3, 2005
Our Cogent link has been down since around 9:00am PST (16:00 UTC). Data servers are currently unreachable. The problem is currently being diagnosed. Update: The latest word from Cogent: "There's currently a UFO (Unlimited Fiber Optics) issue that is affecting multiple customers that we are working as quickly as possible to resolve. It is possible that this issue is causing this particular outage. There is currently no ETA on resolution for the current issue." Update 2 (23:30 UTC): Cogent has isolated the fault and has dispatched a person to fix it. We hope to see it fixed soon.



Registriertes Mitglied
May 7, 2005
It looks like our Cogent link is down again. Campus has been alerted. The data server is unreachable until this is fixed.

Die Seti@Home Classic und auch die Seti@Home Boinc kann man nicht mit
UP/Downloads erreichen,weil der Netzkabelbetreiber (Cogent-Routing) mal
wieder Schwierigkeiten macht.


Da hilft nur vielleicht als Überbrückung für andere Projekte zu rechnen! :)

Schönen Sonntag noch


Registriertes Mitglied
May 8, 2005
Due to some network reconfiguring on our subnet here at the lab, the database server shut itself down fearing there was a power outage. It went offline around 01:00 UTC, but is back up now.

May 8, 2005
Our data server internet link returned this morning at 10:00 UTC (3:00am PDT). It was offline for just over 24 hours, so many connections will be dropped as the servers try to catch up.

Die Verbindung nach aussen steht wieder,aber durch zu viele Nutzung
der User kam es zu Netzwerküberlastung die immer noch besteht.
Mal sehen wie es morgen ausschaut?



Registriertes Mitglied
Berkeley am Dienstag offline
10.07.2005 - Die BOINC Webseiten und die Webseiten der SETI@home, Alpha- und Betatest Projekte werden am Dienstag den 12. Juli offline sein. Es wird eine umfangreiche Sanierung der Energieversorgung durchgeführt. Diese hatte in der jüngeren Vergangeheit immer wieder zu Ausfällen der Projektserver und damit zu viel Unmut unter den Teilnehmern geführt.

Nach Angaben aus Berkeley sollen die Arbeiten gegen 0:00 Uhr deutscher Zeit beginnen und ungefähr 17 Stunden dauern. Vermutlich geht es also erst am Mittwoch wiederm los. Dann ist auch wie üblich zunächst wieder mit einer erheblichen Überlastung der Server durch die vielen liegengebliebenen Anfragen zu rechnen.



Registriertes Mitglied
July 19, 2005 Update
We now have the new data server online. It has 3x the capacity of the old one. Details will be appearing in Technical News. This should help clear the backlog of result uploads.

July 22, 2005 Update
We are looking for ways to boost workunit production See Technical News. At the current time the system having difficulty meeting demand a number of clients are getting No Work from Project messages.



Registriertes Mitglied
August 25, 2005
Outage Update: We have been offline since Tuesday, August 23 and plan to stay offline at least until Friday. This is because of a disk failure as well as an unwieldy backlog of results to validate and delete. We apologize for the inconvenience, but credit that has been pending for weeks is now being granted. We want to be as "caught up" as possible before coming back on line.

More Infos in Technical News:


Registriertes Mitglied
August 27, 2005
Outage Update: We have been offline since Tuesday, August 23 and plan to stay offline until after the weekend. This is because of a disk failure as well as an unwieldy backlog of results to validate and delete. We apologize for the inconvenience, but credit that has been pending for weeks is now being granted. We want to be as "caught up" as possible before coming back on line. The process of catching up is taking much longer than expected.

den Serverstatus:

vieles auf rot!


Registriertes Mitglied
an dieser Stelle mal vielen Dank für deine Infos. Da spar ich mir gleich das Hochfahren meines "SETI-Rechners"!


Registriertes Mitglied
August 31, 2005
Most of the servers are back up, but still dropping a lot of connections as we recover from a week-long outage.

September 3, 2005
A number of accounts were accidentally deleted on August 26, causing users to get 'Invalid or missing account key' messages. These accounts have now been restored. We apologize for the inconvenience.



Registriertes Mitglied
September 6, 2005
SETI@home Classic will process its two billionth workunit today. Congratulations to everyone for this achievement.

2 Milliarden WU's (Work Units) für Seti@Home Classic gerechnet!

September 9, 2005
Now when you donate to SETI@home, a will appear next to your user name on this web site (unless you choose to remain anonymous).

September 9, 2005
Outage Notice: We are still in the middle of an outage to reconfigure our upload/download file systems - the copying of data is taking longer than expected. Uploads and downloads will be unavailable at this time. This should vastly improve our general system performance. More information in Technical News.



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Serverstats der verschiedenen BOINC-Projekten:


Registriertes Mitglied
September 20, 2005
SETI pioneer Carl Sagan's groundbreaking series COSMOS is returning to television on The Science Channel. The first two episodes premiere on Tuesday Sept. 27 at 9 and 10 PM (ET/PT), with subsequent episodes airing every Tuesday night at 9 PM.

September 20, 2005
Message board postings and user profiles have been converted from HTML to BBCode. You might need to tweak your profile to make it look right.
